jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Universidad Alfonso Reyes. Alfonso Reyes University in Mexico

Universidad alfonso reyes
Alfonso reyes University
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jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


Directorio de Universidades , Institutos , Escuelas de Educacion Superior en Mexico 

Este dominio fue creado para que la poblacion en edad de estudiar Preparatoria y/o alguna carrera profesional  tenga en un directorio todas las alternativas que se encuentran en Mexico para lograrlo

Aqui presentaremos mas de 1000 universidades publicas y privadas que todas las carreras incorporadas
a la Secretaria de Educacion .

Enumeraremos todas las Universidades por Municipio , Estado donde esten ubicadas , asi como los datos
generales de las mismas para que puedan hacer los enlaces y comunicarse a estas instituciones en caso de el interes en cualquiera de ellas.



Linares 128 suite 5 en la col Libertad en cd , Guadalupe N.L . Mexico cp 67120
cel 1025-5820 nextel
contacto recovery.garza@gmail.com


domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Constructors: The Romans Pefect a Building Block of Building

Constructors: The Romans Perfect a Building Block of Building

Stone Ridge Global Inc.
10 nightfall place   77381
Woodlands , Tx

Constructors . Building
*     Stucco & Exterior Coating Contractors,
*     Stone Natural, Block, Brick
*      Masonry Contractors-Commercial & Industrial

One way that builders can cover a room or support weigh over an entryway is to lay a beam
horizontally across two vertical pillars .This kind of "post and beam" construction is among
the earliest know building methods, stretching back to Stonehenge and beyond . Butt it can support
only limited weight before the sags and cracks under the stress.

The Romans dad a better idea -the arch ,a curving span made from separate wedge -shaped stones.
Those stones joined at the top at a "keystone" that became the focal point of the downward pressure
exerted by whatever load the arch was supporting .The Romans didn t invent the arch.  They borrowed if  from the Greeks, and it had been used by even earlier cultures, including those of Egypt and Mesopotamia. But the Romans found a way to make it bear much larger loads. Essential no that improvement was their invention of a particularly strong variety of concrete , a mixture of rock,lime,and sandy volcanic ash. It made possible arches capable of wide spans, which became a regular feature of the monumental buildings, like the colosseums, that appeared throughout 
the Roman Imperial.

Stone Ridge Global Inc.

 *     Stucco & Exterior Coating Contractors 
*     Stone Natural, Block, Blick
*      Masonry Contractors-Commercial & Industrial
With the arch is also became possible for the Romans to build the long aqueducts that brought water to towns throughout the empire. The grand triumphal arch, erected to mark military victories, became one of the characteristic structures of the imperial age. and it was the arch that eventually made possible the dome, among the chief innovations of Roman architecture and one they brought to perfection in  Rome s magnificent Pantheon, still the world s largest unreinforced solid-concrete dome.

Stone Ridge Global Inc.
    Constructors: The Romans Perfect a Building Block of Builing